This is a part-time appointment, competitively compensated on an hourly basis, to start as soon as possible.
The position will offer first-hand exposure to the scholarship of leading LBS faculty – Prof. Olenka Kacperczyk, Prof. Ioannis Ioannou and Prof. Luisa Alemany – and practitioners in the fields of venture capital, entrepreneurship and sustainability. It will also be an opportunity to contribute to the development, rigorous testing, and dissemination of new theory and interaction with senior leaders in business. The Research Associate will work on an exciting research initiative at LBS at the intersection of venture capital, entrepreneurship and sustainability/ESG aiming to produce world-class thought leadership and rigorous academic research outputs.
Overview: The successful candidate will demonstrate strong conceptual and analytical ability; high quality of thought and logical argumentation; excellent writing skills; the capacity to work well independently; and the ability to interact successfully with senior leaders. The position will involve engaging with rigorous academic research, various statistical software packages, collecting and assembling data from disparate sources, and creating databases.
Required: Candidates should preferably have a PhD (or advanced) degree in a management related field including Strategy, Economics, Finance, Accounting, General Management, or other fields. Knowledge, experience, and (potentially) prior training in Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital, and/or ESG, responsible, impact or social investing is highly preferred. Proven evidence of independent research in an advanced field of study. Strong organizational skills and skills related to the Microsoft Office Suite are expected. In addition, expert knowledge of programming, including a statistical language such as SAS, Stata, R, Python is desirable. Demonstrated interest in conducting high quality research and ability to read, understand, summarise and communicate subject-specific academic research is a must. Evidence of prior high-quality writing skills; relevant background in data analysis; and/or interpretation of relevant data, research, and literature is a major plus.
Location: Virtual; preferable that the candidate is located in a time zone within a 3 hour difference from London/GMT time.
Additional information: Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. A cover letter and resume are required for full consideration. Upon the review of application materials, applicants may be asked to join a brief interview. Applicants should not reach out to Professors Alemany, Kacperczyk and Ioannou directly. Instead, please send your application materials to: